
Your handy scooting guide

Students and Staff of DCU! Fancy using a TIER eScooters to get around campus but not sure where to begin? You’re in the right place, read on to become a scooting pro...



Head to the 'two-wheels' Scooter tab in our app to find your eScooter on the map. Use the info on the scooter to check you’ve got the right one (they sometimes come in packs). You can also scan a scooter’s QR-code. Unlock it with the app and you’re good to get started.


Not sure how?

Kick the kickstand up, step on the deck with one foot and push off with the other. Then keep both feet on the deck as you begin to move. Gently press the throttle handle (it’s on your right handlebar) to speed up. Smile... you’re looking cool.


Safety is key

ALWAYS wear a helmet and watch out for pedestrian and never ride on footpaths. You need to be 18 (or older) to use TIER eScooters. And don’t drink and scoot...if you’ve had one too many, switch tabs and take a Taxi.


Ready to slow down?

To slow down, release your throttle handle and gently press the brake handles (both handlebars feature a brake). Careful not to be too firm, or you’ll stop immediately. 


When you’re finished

To end your trip, park the scooter in a designated area (look out for signs in your local area, or check the app) and tap the ‘End rental’ button. Be a kind human being and NEVER block footpaths or driveways.



Get in touch:

- Send Email
- or call TIER’s hotline: 030 568 386 51
